- beige
- bistre
- black
- black and white
- blond
- blue
- bright
- brown
- burnt sienna
- celadon
- color
- colorful
- contrast
- dark
- dark blue
- gold
- gray
- green
- inky
- muted
- ochre
- olive
- olive green
- orange
- orchre
- pastel
- pink
- purple
- red
- red oxide
- sepia
- silver
- subtle
- tan
- teal
- terracotta
- warm
- white
- yellow
- See more
- 1880-1918
- 1880/1918
- 1880_1918
- 1905-1910
- 1918-1940
- 1918/1940
- 1940-1945
- 1945-1980
- 2005-2010
- after 1980
- after1980
- before 1880
- before1880
- contemporary
- flower power
- See more
- 10 men and 10 women
- 15 strong women
- C. & J. Goodfriend Personal Collection - February 2024
- Jim Goodfriend Collection of Felix Buhot Prints
- recent stories
- Algeria
- Athens
- Brazil
- Bretagne
- Brittany
- Bruges
- California
- Ceylon
- Chicago
- Cincinnati
- Cleveland
- Cote d'Azur
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hawaii
- Italy
- Japan
- Kansas City
- Lake Disctrict United Kingdom
- London
- Maine
- montmartre
- Munich
- Netherlands
- New York City
- Normandie
- North Africa and Middle East
- Paris
- Pittsburgh
- Pont-en-Royans
- San Francisco
- Scotland
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- The Channel
- Tuscany
- United States
- Venice
- Vermont
- Vienna
- See more
- American
- Argentine
- Australian
- Austrian
- Belgian
- Bengali
- British
- Canadian
- Chilean
- Chinese
- Czech
- Czechoslovakian
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Indian
- Israeli
- Italian
- Japanese
- Jewish
- Korean
- Lithuanian
- Polish
- Russian
- Scottish
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Swiss
- Taiwanese
- Ukrainian
- See more
- Ancourt
- Auguste Clot
- Auguste Delatre
- Bolton Brown
- clot
- delatre
- Eugene Verneau
- Frederick Reynolds
- Komatsu
- Theodore Cuno
- See more
- Printsellers Association of London
- Alfred Cadart
- Ambroise Vollard
- American Artists Group
- Appolo Editions Artistiques
- Associated American Artists
- Atelier 17
- Bauger et Cie
- Bell & Co. Ltd.
- Bernheim-Jeune
- Binois de l'Epine
- cadart
- Cavalliero–Rouland
- Charles Hessèle
- delatre
- Der Gesellschaft fur Vervielfaltigende Kunst
- Editions des Quatre Chemins
- Edmond Sagot
- Edouard Kleinmann
- Enoch & Co
- estampe moderne
- estampe nouvelle
- estampe originale
- estampe/originale
- Georges Petit
- Georgetown Graphics Inc.
- Gustave Pellet
- hessele
- Kawaguchi
- L'Estampe Nouvelle
- L. Joly
- La Caricature
- La Société Normande de Gravure
- le charivari
- Les Cent Bibiliophiles
- l’Escarmouche
- Madison Print Club
- pellet
- revue/blanche
- S.G.B.O.
- Sakai
- Sanoki
- Senefelder Club
- Société des Peintres-Graveurs Français
- teriade
- The Print Club of Cleveland
- The Rampant Lion Press
- The Woodcut Society of New York
- Theatre Libre
- Topaz Editions
- vollard
- Watanabe
- See more
- abstract
- animal
- animated
- bird's eye view
- cafe restaurant
- cityscape
- countryside
- desolate
- factory
- field
- figure
- floral arrangement
- garden
- industrial
- interior
- invention
- landscape
- pastoral
- portrait
- quiet
- restaurant
- river
- seascape
- still life
- stillife
- street
- theater
- town
- waterscape
- See more
- abstract
- abstracting
- abstraction
- art deco
- art nouveau
- art/nouveau
- Arts and Craft
- ashcanschool
- barbizon
- belle epoque
- belle/epoque
- cartoonish
- cubism
- decorative
- ephemera
- erotica
- etching
- etching revival
- exotic
- expressionism
- Fauve
- geometric abstraction
- gothic
- Great Bardfield Artists
- hyperrealism
- impressionism
- Japanese Modernism
- japonisme
- Kacho-e
- Kuchi-e
- mid century
- minimalism
- modernism
- nabis
- negative space
- negative/space
- neo classical
- Orientalism
- painterly
- pont aven
- post impressionism
- poster
- pre impressionism
- Precisionist
- realism
- realistic
- regionalism
- revival
- Romanticism
- school of paris
- Shin Hanga
- social realism
- Sosaku-Hanga
- surrealism
- symbolism
- topographic
- traditional etching
- Ukiyo-E
- whimsical
- See more
- commedia dell'arte
- 1878 Paris Exposition
- abstract
- abstraction
- acrobat
- acrobats
- aerialists
- African-American portraits
- airplane
- alcolhol
- American history
- angel
- animal
- announcement
- architecture
- art about art
- art about artists
- baby
- balcony
- ballet
- beach
- beauty
- bedouin
- bee
- big cat
- bird
- birds
- boat
- body of water
- books
- boxing
- Breton
- bridge
- buffalo
- building
- buildings
- butterfly
- cafe
- cafe bar
- calendar
- canal
- canyon
- car
- cartography
- cat
- cathedral
- celebration
- charity
- child
- chore
- chores
- church
- circus
- city
- city life
- city park
- clock time
- clocktower
- clown
- commerce
- construction
- contemplation
- cottage
- couple
- covered bridge
- cow
- crowd
- cultural diversity
- dance
- dance hall
- dancers
- dawn
- desert
- desolate
- dinnerparty
- dog
- domestic tranquility
- donkey
- downtrodden
- dreams
- dress skirt
- dress/skirt
- drink
- dunes
- dusk
- eiffel tower
- electric light
- elephant
- elitism
- erotic
- ethnographic
- exotic
- fable
- face
- face/bust
- faith
- family
- fan
- fantasy
- farm
- farmer
- fashion
- father and son
- Faust
- feather
- feminine
- field
- figure
- fireworks
- fish
- fishing
- flora
- floral
- flower
- food
- food & drink
- forest
- garden
- genre scenes
- geography
- girl
- goldfish
- graceful
- grass
- had
- hair
- harbor
- harvest
- hat
- heron
- historic building
- history
- horse
- house
- humanity
- hunting
- industry
- insect
- interior
- intimacy
- invention
- jungle
- kittens
- labor
- lake
- landscape
- laundry
- leaf
- leisure
- library
- life
- light
- llama
- love
- mammal
- man
- manner of Botticelli
- market
- marriage
- marsh
- maternity
- Maurice Guibert
- memento mori
- memorial
- menu
- mirror
- misia
- modern
- modern woman
- moonlight
- mother
- mountain
- muse
- music
- mysterious
- mythical faces
- mythology
- native american
- natural beauty
- negative space
- new england
- night fishing
- night life
- nude
- old people
- Opera
- out about
- painterly
- parc
- Paris
- Paris Opera
- party
- pastoral
- path
- pattern
- Paul Sescau
- peacock feather
- people
- plant
- play
- poetry
- polar bear
- portrait
- power
- predatory animals
- prostitution
- public park
- public transportation
- quirky
- rainbow
- reading
- religion
- river
- road
- rocks
- romance
- rooftop garden
- ruins
- sea
- seaside
- seated
- secluded
- sewing
- sexual
- shell
- shepherd
- sky
- smoke
- smoking
- snow
- social
- social commentary
- soldier
- space
- spirituality
- sport
- stilllife
- street
- strength
- summer season
- sunset sunrise
- symmetry
- technology
- temple
- text
- theatrical production
- tortoise
- town
- train
- tranquil
- transcendence
- transportation
- travel
- tree
- trees
- tropical
- umbrella
- view
- vigil
- village
- walking
- war
- water
- whimsical
- wind
- windmill
- window
- winter
- wishes
- woman
- women at work
- work
- wrestling
- zen garden
- zen/garden
- See more
- aquatint
- charcoal
- chine-collé
- collage
- color
- color aquatint
- color drypoint
- color etching
- color intaglio
- color linocut
- color lithograph
- color mezzotint
- color photography
- color screenprint
- color silkscreen
- color stencil
- color viscosity
- color woodcut
- color/intaglio
- color/litho
- drawing
- drypoint
- embossed
- embossed leather
- engraving
- etching
- gouache
- graphite
- gypsograph
- hand colored etching
- handcoloring
- ink
- ink and graphite drawing
- ink drawing
- intaglio
- Katazome
- linocut
- litho
- lithograph
- mezzotint
- mixed media
- monochrome etching
- monotype
- oil
- painting
- pastel drawing
- pen_and_ink_wash
- pencil
- photography
- pure line engraving
- relief
- roulette
- screenprint
- silk screen
- silkscreen
- silver-gelatin print
- soft ground etching
- stencil_print
- watercolor
- wood engraving
- woodblock print
- woodcut
- See more
- cloud
- cloud sky
- cloud/sky
- dusk dawn
- dusk/dawn
- fall
- foggy
- mist
- moon
- night
- rain
- rainbow
- shade
- sky
- snow
- spring
- storm
- summer
- sun
- sunny
- sunset sunrise
- water reflection
- wind
- winter
- See more
- 1830-1835
- 1850-1855
- 1855-1860
- 1860-1865
- 1865-1870
- 1870-1875
- 1875-1880
- 1880-1885
- 1885-1890
- 1890-1895
- 1895-1900
- 1900-1905
- 1905-1910
- 1910-1915
- 1915-1920
- 1920-1925
- 1925-1930
- 1930-1935
- 1935-1940
- 1940-1945
- 1945-1950
- 1950-1955
- 1955-1960
- 1960-1965
- 1965-1970
- 1970-1975
- 1975-1980
- 1980-1985
- 1985-1990
- 1990-1995
- 1995-2000
- 2000-2005
- 2005-2010
- 2010-2015
- 2015-2020
- See more

WARD, Lynd
Lynd WARD (1905-1985) Undercliff Wood engraving on thin white wove paper, 1948. Edition of 200, published by The Woodcut Society, New York. In orig...
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